Flowers of the Pacific Island Seashore: A Guide to the Littoral Plants of Hawaiʻi, Tahiti, Samona, Tonga, Cook Islands, Fiji, and Micronesia
W. Arthur Whistler
Hardcover, 154 pp.
One of the most remarkable features of Polynesia is the vast array of
exotic flowers to be found growing everywhere in profusion. For those
who are interested in nature, the easiest way to identify these exotic
species is by using an illustrated book on tropical flowers. There are
already a number of such books available, but most of these deal only
with cultivated ornamental plants such as hibiscus, frangipani, and
jasmine. These are well-suited to those who do not go beyond the
confines of their hotel or local tourist attractions. But it is for
those who seek out nature, away from the hotels, away from the tourist
attractions, or even away from civilization, that this book is intended.