Significant Moments in da Life of Oriental Faddah and Son
Lee Tonouchi
Softcover, 176 pp.
Oriental Faddah and Son delivers Da Pidgin Guerrilla's most entertaining yet poignant work to date through a combination of lamenting and humorous poems. As you read, you will journey with author Lee A. Tonouchi through childhood and adolescence into adulthood. You will laugh out loud, sometimes cry, and maybe even discover things about yourself along the way. Award-winning author Tonouchi delivers a captivating, semi-autobiographical tale through his mastery of the Pidgin language. Tonouchi intricately weaves life's most basic human elements love and loss, birth and death with uncovering the identity of one's true self. In the Guerrilla's case, it's the essence of being an Okinawan in Hawai'i.